Category Archives: Newborn

newborn bay photography

Sabrina - 11 Days

Do you remember Mark and Milena? (You can find both their engagement session as well as their wedding on my FaceBook Fan Page and this Blog.)

Now a year later I had the privilege to photograph their newborn baby: Sabrina. Sabrina was just 11 days old the day of the newborn session at Marks and Milena’s home in San Francisco. Babies this young are very special because they are still used to being in Moms womb and therefore do not mind being handled. They just like it warm and cozy and still sleep most of the time.

I highly encourage  to set up a newborn baby session in the first few days of your babies life. After 2 weeks your baby will start to cry a lot more and also often goes through a phase known as newborn or baby acne. Another reason to do a session this early is that is just so cute to have a little being that you can savely cradle in your palms.

This session was held at the clients home. The other option is to hold a newborn session is at my photography studio in Redwood City.